templates/front/theme1/partials/footer/footer.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% set target = ['','_top','_new','_self','_blank','_parent'] %}
    {% set class_btn_sticky_mobile = "" %}
    {% if (getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile') and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[0] is defined and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[0].actif) or (getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile') and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[1] is defined and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[1].actif) %}
        {% set class_btn_sticky_mobile = "with_sticky_boutons_mobile" %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if theme_option != null  %}
        {% set logoFooter = theme_option.actifLogoFooter %}
        {% set logoPosition = theme_option.positionLogoFooter %}
        {% set telFooter = theme_option.actifTelFooter %}
        {% set titreTelFooter = theme_option.actifTitreTelFooter %}
        {% set emailFooter = theme_option.actifEmailFooter %}
        {% set titreEmailFooter = theme_option.actifTitreEmailFooter %}
        {% set adresseFooter = theme_option.actifAdresseFooter %}
        {% set titreAdresseFooter = theme_option.actifTitreAdresseFooter %}
        {% set horairesFooter = theme_option.actifHorairesFooter %}
        {% set titreHorairesFooter = theme_option.actifTitreHorairesFooter %}
        {% set socialFooter = theme_option.actifReseauxSociauxFooter %}
        {% set button1Footer = theme_option.actifBouton1Footer %}
        {% set pictosInfosFooter = theme_option.actifPictosInfoFooter %}
        {% set class_icon = '' %}
        {% if pictosInfosFooter == 0 %}
            {% set class_icon = 'd-none' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set codeqrFooter = theme_option.actifCodeqrFooter %}
        {% set texteFooter = theme_option.actifTexteFooter %}
        {% set nbrContactsInput = theme_option.nbrContactsFooter %}
        {% set logoCopyright = theme_option.actifLogoCopyright %}
        {% set dateCopyright = theme_option.actifDateCopyright %}
        {% set bgTopFooter = theme_option.bgColorTopFooter %}
        {% set colorTopFooter = theme_option.colorTopFooter %}
        {% set bgSubFooter = theme_option.bgColorSubFooter %}
        {% set colorSubFooter = theme_option.colorSubFooter %}
        {% if theme_option.footerstyle == null or theme_option.footerstyle == 'footer1' %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/footer/modeles/_footer1.html.twig')}}
        {% endif %}
        {% if theme_option.footerstyle == null or theme_option.footerstyle == 'footer2' %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/footer/modeles/_footer2.html.twig')}}
        {% endif %}
        {% if theme_option.footerstyle == null or theme_option.footerstyle == 'footer3' %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/footer/modeles/_footer3.html.twig')}}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}