templates/front/theme1/partials/header/header.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% set parametre = ParametreSite() %}
    {% set target = ['','_top','_new','_self','_blank','_parent'] %}
    <input name="menu-handler" id="menu-handler" type="checkbox">
    {% set class_btn_sticky_mobile = "" %}
    {% if (getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile') and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[0] is defined and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[0].actif) or (getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile') and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[1] is defined and getBlocService('btn_sticky_mobile').blocServiceItems[1].actif) %}
        {% set class_btn_sticky_mobile = "with_sticky_boutons_mobile" %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if theme_option != null  %}
        {% set tel1 = theme_option.actiftel1 %}
        {% set tel2 = theme_option.actiftel2 %}
        {% set titreTel1 = theme_option.actiftitretel1 %}
        {% set titreTel2 = theme_option.actiftitretel2 %}
        {% set email1 = theme_option.actifemail1 %}
        {% set email2 = theme_option.actifemail2 %}
        {% set titreEmail1 = theme_option.actiftitreemail1 %}
        {% set titreEmail2 = theme_option.actiftitreemail2 %}
        {% set adresse1 = theme_option.actifadresse1 %}
        {% set adresse2 = theme_option.actifadresse2 %}
        {% set titreAdresse1 = theme_option.actiftitreadresse1 %}
        {% set titreAdresse2 = theme_option.actiftitreadresse2 %}
        {% set horaires1 = theme_option.actifhoraires1 %}
        {% set horaires2 = theme_option.actifhoraires2 %}
        {% set titreHoraires1 = theme_option.actiftitrehoraires1 %}
        {% set titreHoraires2 = theme_option.actiftitrehoraires2 %}
        {% set socialHeader = theme_option.actifreseauxsociaux %}
        {% set button1 = theme_option.actifbouton1 %}
        {% set button1Position = theme_option.positionbouton1 %}
        {% set button2 = theme_option.actifbouton2 %}
        {% set button2Position = theme_option.positionbouton2 %}
        {% set button3 = theme_option.actifbouton3 %}
        {% set button3Position = theme_option.positionbouton3 %}
        {# {% set button3PositionAbove = theme_option.position_bouton3_0 %}
        {% set button3PositionRight = theme_option.position_bouton3_1 %}
        {% set button3PositionRightH = theme_option.position_bouton3_2 %} #}
        {% set bgTransparent = theme_option.headerbgtransparent %}
        {% set bgHeader = theme_option.headerbgcolor %}
        {% set colorMenu = theme_option.headertextcolor %}
     {#    {% set colorHoverMenu = theme_option.headertexthovercolor %} #}
        {% set bgHeaderTopTransparent = theme_option.headertopbgtransparent %}
        {% set bgHeaderTop = theme_option.headertopbgcolor %}
        {% set colorHeaderTop = theme_option.headertoptextcolor %}
        {# {% set colorHoverHeaderTop = theme_option.headertoptexthovercolor %} #}
        {% set pictosInfos = theme_option.actifpictosinfo %}
        {% set iconesNavigation = theme_option.actificonesnavigation %}
        {% set recherche = theme_option.actifrecherche %}
        {% set recherchePosition = theme_option.positionrecherche %}
        {% set actifpanier = theme_option.actifpanier %}
        {% set nbrContactsHeader = theme_option.nbrContactsHeader %}
        {% set class_icon = '' %}
        {% set social_bandeau = '' %}
        {% if theme_option.actifpictosinfo == 0 %}
            {% set class_icon = 'd-md-none' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if theme_option.showreseauxsociaux == 1 %}
            {% set social_bandeau = 'reseau_bandeau' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set infos_items_flex = '' %}
        {% if theme_option.showreseauxsociaux == 1 %}
            {% set infos_items_flex = 'flex-md-column align-items-md-end align-items-center' %}
        {% else %}
            {% set infos_items_flex = 'flex-column align-items-end' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set positionBoutonRightHeader = 0 %}
        {% if (button1 and button1Position == 3) or (button2 and button2Position == 3) or (button3 and button3Position == 3) %}
            {% set positionBoutonRightHeader = 1 %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set headerWithBoutonRight = '' %}
        {% if (positionBoutonRightHeader == 1) %}
            {% set headerWithBoutonRight = 'with-bouton-right' %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set breakpoint_menu_burger = theme_option.sizemenuburger %}
        {% set class_menu_hamburger = "" %}
        {% if breakpoint_menu_burger == 2 %}
            {% set class_menu_hamburger = "hamburger_menu_tablet" %}
        {% elseif breakpoint_menu_burger == 3 %}
            {% set class_menu_hamburger = "hamburger_menu_portatifs" %}
        {% elseif breakpoint_menu_burger == 4 %}
            {% set class_menu_hamburger = "hamburger_menu_all" %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if theme_option.headerstyle == null or theme_option.headerstyle == 'header1' %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/header/modeles/_header1.html.twig')}}
        {% elseif (theme_option.headerstyle == 'header2') %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/header/modeles/_header2.html.twig')}}
        {% elseif (theme_option.headerstyle == 'header3') %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/header/modeles/_header3.html.twig')}}
        {% elseif (theme_option.headerstyle == 'header4') %}
            {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/header/modeles/_header4.html.twig')}}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}