
page Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /toulouse-cote-pavee
# Route name Path Log
1 page_activites /activites Path does not match
2 page_nos_actualites /nos-articles Path does not match
3 page_localite /localites Path does not match
4 page_details_localite /localite/{slug} Path does not match
5 page_nos_produits /nos-produits Path does not match
6 bons_cadeaux /bons-cadeaux Path does not match
7 recrutement /recrutement Path does not match
8 maintenance /maintenance Path does not match
9 page_partenaire /partenaires Path does not match
10 page_detail_partenaire /partenaire/{slug} Path does not match
11 app_login_client /espace-client/login Path does not match
12 forget_password /espace-client/forget-password Path does not match
13 reset_password /espace-client/reset-password/{token} Path does not match
14 app_inscription_client /espace-client/inscription Path does not match
15 app_logout_client /espace-client/logout Path does not match
16 page_search /search Path does not match
17 admin_redirect /console/ Path does not match
18 cron_job_import_image /cron-job/import-image/{id_module} Path does not match
19 cron_job_import_file /cron-job/import-xml-file/{id_module} Path does not match
20 cart_index /panier Path does not match
21 cart_content /panier/content Path does not match
22 cart_add /panier/add/{id}/{qte} Path does not match
23 cart_update /panier/update/{id}/{qte} Path does not match
24 cart_remove /panier/remove/{id} Path does not match
25 index_page_home / Path does not match
26 asset_link /assets/{path} Path does not match
27 click_telephone /clic-telephone Path does not match
28 page_cms_archive /page-archive/{id} Path does not match
29 save_form /form/save-form Path does not match
30 email_logo /email-logo/{id} Path does not match
31 generate_index /console/generate-index Path does not match
32 admin_verification_slug /console/verification-slug Path does not match
33 admin_verification_slug_categorie /console/verification-slug-categorie Path does not match
34 admin_verification_slug_ref /console/verification-slug-page-ref/{module} Path does not match
35 admin_verification_slug_partenaire /console/verification-slug-partenaire Path does not match
36 admin_verification_slug_product /console/verification-slug-product Path does not match
37 admin_activite_secondaire /console/load-activite-secondaire Path does not match
38 admin_verification_quota_chatgpt /console/verification-quota-chatGpt Path does not match
39 admin_post_related /console/ajax-post-related Path does not match
40 admin_verification_mot_cle_post /console/verification-mot-cle-post Path does not match
41 hrz_content_generate /console/hrz-content-generate Path does not match
42 admin_instant_indexing /console/instant-indexing Path does not match
43 admin_instant_indexing_api /console/instant-indexing-api Path does not match
44 admin_categorie_add_bloc /console/categorie/add-bloc Path does not match
45 admin_categorie_remove_bloc /console/categorie/remove-bloc Path does not match
46 admin_categorie_order_bloc /console/categorie/order-bloc Path does not match
47 admin_categorie_bloc_change_etat /console/categorie-bloc/change_etat Path does not match
48 admin_categorie_change_etat_desktop /console/categorie-bloc/change-etat-mobile-desktop Path does not match
49 admin_affichage_bloc_categorie /console/edit-affichage-bloc-categorie/{id} Path does not match
50 admin_add_bloc /console/add-bloc Path does not match
51 admin_remove_bloc /console/remove-bloc Path does not match
52 admin_order_bloc /console/order-bloc Path does not match
53 admin_bloc_change_etat /console/bloc-post/change_etat Path does not match
54 admin_bloc_change_etat_desktop /console/bloc-post/change-etat-mobile-desktop Path does not match
55 admin_affichage_bloc_post /console/edit-affichage-bloc-post/{id} Path does not match
56 admin_edit_bloc_gallerie /console/edit-bloc-gallerie/{id}/{type} Path does not match
57 admin_list_bloc_service /console/bloc-service Path does not match
58 admin_bloc_service_add /console/bloc-service/add Path does not match
59 admin_bloc_service_edit /console/bloc-service/edit-{id} Path does not match
60 admin_bloc_service_remove /console/bloc-service/remove Path does not match
61 actif_bloc_service /console/bloc-service/{id} Path does not match
62 admin_list_bloc_service_items /console/bloc-service-items Path does not match
63 admin_bloc_service_items_add /console/bloc-service-items/add Path does not match
64 admin_bloc_service_items_edit /console/bloc-service-items/edit-{id} Path does not match
65 admin_bloc_service_items_remove /console/bloc-service-items/remove Path does not match
66 actif_bloc_service_items /console/bloc-service-items/{id} Path does not match
67 admin_repositionne_bloc_service /console/reorder/bloc-service Path does not match
68 admin_liste_categorie /console/liste-categorie Path does not match
69 admin_categorie_add /console/categorie/add Path does not match
70 admin_categorie_edit /console/categorie/edit/{id} Path does not match
71 admin_categorie_remove /console/categorie/remove Path does not match
72 admin_edit_categorie_order /console/categorie/edit-order Path does not match
73 admin_category_group_list /console/categories/{IdPost} Path does not match
74 admin_category_list /console/categories/{IdPost}/{module} Path does not match
75 admin_category_add /console/categorie/add/{IdPost}/{type} Path does not match
76 admin_category_edit /console/categorie/edit/{id}/{IdPost}/{type} Path does not match
77 admin_category_remove /console/categorie/remove/{id}/{IdPost}/{type} Path does not match
78 admin_category_change_etat /console/categorie/change_etat/{id}/{IdPost}/{type} Path does not match
79 admin_edit_post_categorie /console/categorie/edit-order-post Path does not match
80 clear_cache /console/clear-cache Path does not match
81 admin_list_template_cms /console/cms/template Path does not match
82 admin_cms_template_add /console/cms-template/add Path does not match
83 admin_cms_template_edit /console/cms-template/edit/{id} Path does not match
84 admin_cms_template_remove /console/cms-template/remove Path does not match
85 admin_liste_contacts /console/liste-contacts Path does not match
86 admin_add_contact /console/add-contact Path does not match
87 admin_edit_contact /console/edit-contact/{id} Path does not match
88 admin_contact_change_etat /console/contact/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
89 admin_contact_remove /console/contact/remove Path does not match
90 edit_contact_order /console/contact/edit-order Path does not match
91 admin_edit_contact_order /console/edit-order-contact Path does not match
92 admin_list_field /console/list-field Path does not match
93 admin_field_add /console/field/add Path does not match
94 admin_field_edit /console/field/edit/{id} Path does not match
95 admin_field_remove /console/field/remove Path does not match
96 admin_add_post_field /console/post/field/add/{type} Path does not match
97 admin_custom_editor_generateur_contenu /console/custom-editor/generateur-de-contenu Path does not match
98 admin_custom_editor_generateur_contenu_v2 /console/custom-editor/generateur-de-contenu-v2 Path does not match
99 admin_dashbord /console/dashbord Path does not match
100 admin_services_hrz /console/services-hrz Path does not match
101 ajax_chat_conversation /console/console/assistance-chat Path does not match
102 admin_bloc_statiques /console/bloc-statiques Path does not match
103 admin_add_default_bloc /console/add-default-bloc Path does not match
104 admin_remove_default_bloc /console/remove-default-bloc Path does not match
105 admin_default_bloc_change_etat_desktop /console/bloc-default/change-etat-mobile-desktop Path does not match
106 admin_default_bloc_change_etat /console/bloc-default/change_etat Path does not match
107 admin_order_default_bloc /console/order-default-bloc Path does not match
108 admin_affichage_default_bloc /console/edit-affichage-default-bloc/{id} Path does not match
109 admin_edit_default_bloc /console/edit-default-bloc/{id} Path does not match
110 admin_edit_default_bloc_gallerie /console/edit-default-bloc-gallerie/{id} Path does not match
111 admin_editor_link /console/ajax/editor_link Path does not match
112 admin_images_editor /console/ajax/editor_images Path does not match
113 admin_editor_upload /console/ajax/editor_upload Path does not match
114 admin_email_configurable /console/emails-configurable/ Path does not match
115 admin_email_configurable_add /console/email-configurable/add Path does not match
116 admin_email_change_etat /console/email/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
117 admin_email_configurable_edit /console/email-configurable/{id} Path does not match
118 admin_email_configurable_remove /console/email-configurable/remove/email Path does not match
119 admin_async_embed /console/embed Path does not match
120 admin_error_page /console/page-404 Path does not match
121 admin_export_file /console/export/file/{type} Path does not match
122 admin_list_faq /console/faqs Path does not match
123 admin_create_faq /console/new/faq Path does not match
124 admin_edit_faq /console/faq/edit/{id}/{type} Path does not match
125 admin_faq_remove /console/faq/remove Path does not match
126 admin_edit_faq_order /console/faq/change/order Path does not match
127 admin_list_forms /console/list/forms Path does not match
128 admin_add_forms /console/forms/add Path does not match
129 admin_edit_forms /console/forms/edit/{id} Path does not match
130 admin_form_remove /console/form-remove Path does not match
131 admin_form_builder /console/edit-form-builder Path does not match
132 admin_render_form_builder /console/render-form-builder Path does not match
133 admin_liste_forms_submission /console/forms/submission/{id} Path does not match
134 admin_liste_submissions /console/forms/all-submissions Path does not match
135 admin_liste_candidatures /console/forms/all-candidatures Path does not match
136 admin_liste_candidatures_spontanees /console/forms/all-candidatures-spontanees Path does not match
137 admin_details_submission_forms /console/forms/submission-details/{id} Path does not match
138 admin_details_all_submission /console/forms/submission2-details/{id} Path does not match
139 admin_details_candidature /console/forms/candidature-details/{id} Path does not match
140 admin_details_candidature_spontanee /console/forms/candidature-spontanee-details/{id} Path does not match
141 admin_inscrits_newsletter /console/forms/inscriptions-newsletter Path does not match
142 admin_details_inscrit_newsletter /console/forms/inscrit-newsletter-details/{id} Path does not match
143 admin_avis_clients /console/forms/avis-clients Path does not match
144 admin_details_avis_clients /console/forms/avis-clients-details/{id} Path does not match
145 admin_edit_avis_clients /console/forms/edit-avis-clients/{id} Path does not match
146 admin_redirection_to_post /console/forms/validation-soumission/{id} Path does not match
147 admin_remove_submission_forms /console/forms/remove/submission Path does not match
148 admin_export_excel /console/form-{id}/export-excel Path does not match
149 admin_avis_client_change_etat /console/forms/avis-clients/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
150 admin_list_forms_io /console/list/forms-builder Path does not match
151 admin_form_builder_add /console/form-builder/add Path does not match
152 admin_form_builder_edit /console/form-builder-edit/{id} Path does not match
153 admin_form_builder_remove /console/form-builder-remove/{id} Path does not match
154 admin_add_bloc_carousel_image /console/bloc-carousel/add-image Path does not match
155 admin_edit_bloc_carousel_image /console/bloc-carousel/edit-image Path does not match
156 admin_bloc_carousel_image /console/bloc-carousel/image Path does not match
157 admin_bloc_carousel_remove_image /console/bloc-carousel/remove-image-{id} Path does not match
158 admin_generateur_contenu /console/generateur-de-contenu Path does not match
159 admin_generateur_contenu_openai /console/generateur-de-contenu/openai Path does not match
160 admin_generateur_contenu_custom /console/generateur-de-contenu-custom Path does not match
161 admin_generateur_contenu_custom_openai /console/generateur-de-contenu-custom/openai Path does not match
162 admin_generateur_contenu_faq /console/generateur-de-contenu-faq Path does not match
163 admin_generateur_contenu_faq_openai /console/generateur-de-contenu-faq/openai Path does not match
164 admin_generateur_contenu_nouvellereal /console/generateur-de-contenu-nouvelle-realisation Path does not match
165 admin_generateur_contenu_nouvellereal_openai /console/generateur-de-contenu-nouvellereal/openai Path does not match
166 admin_generateur_contenu_qa /console/generateur-question-reponse Path does not match
167 admin_generateur_contenu_qa_openai /console/generateur-question-reponse/openai Path does not match
168 admin_generateur_contenu_qa_data /console/generateur-question-reponse/data Path does not match
169 admin_generateur_contenu_oscarocket /console/generateur-de-contenu-oscarocket Path does not match
170 admin_oscarocket_historiques /console/oscarocket/historique-prompts Path does not match
171 admin_oscarocket_historiques_details /console/oscarocket/historique-prompt/details Path does not match
172 admin_save_contenu_oscarocket_openai /console/oscarocket/save-historique-prompt Path does not match
173 open_ai_api_stream /console/open-ai-api-stream Path does not match
174 api_oscar_hrz /console/oscar-rocket-hrz Path does not match
175 api_oscar_hrz_save_content /console/save-content-oscar-rocket-hrz Path does not match
176 admin_liste_activites /console/liste-activites Path does not match
177 admin_add_activite /console/add-activite Path does not match
178 admin_edit_activite /console/edit-activite/{id} Path does not match
179 admin_activite_change_etat /console/activite/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
180 admin_activite_remove /console/activite/remove Path does not match
181 edit_activite_order /console/activite/edit-order Path does not match
182 admin_liste_activites_secondaire /console/liste-activite-secondaires Path does not match
183 admin_create_activites_secondaire /console/create-activite-secondaire Path does not match
184 admin_edit_activite_secondaire /console/edit-activite-secondaire/{id} Path does not match
185 admin_activite_secondaire_remove /console/activite-secondaire/remove Path does not match
186 admin_activite_secondaire_change_etat /console/activite-secondaire/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
187 admin_paramtre_page_client /console/parametre/page-client Path does not match
188 admin_edit_paramtre_page /console/parametre/page-client/{type} Path does not match
189 admin_client_liste /console/clients Path does not match
190 admin_add_client /console/create/client Path does not match
191 admin_edit_client /console/edit/client/{id} Path does not match
192 admin_remove_client /console/remove/clients Path does not match
193 admin_liste_files /console/files/{module}/{id_module}/{type}/{slug_url}/{modele_gallerie} Path does not match
194 admin_add_file /console/file/add Path does not match
195 admin_file_remove /console/file/remove/{id} Path does not match
196 edit_file_order /console/file/edit-order Path does not match
197 add_lien_video /console/file/add-lien Path does not match
198 edit_lien_video /console/file/edit-lien Path does not match
199 admin_liste_labels /console/liste-labels Path does not match
200 admin_add_label /console/add-label Path does not match
201 admin_edit_label /console/edit-label/{id} Path does not match
202 admin_label_change_etat /console/label/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
203 admin_label_remove /console/label/remove Path does not match
204 edit_label_order /console/label/edit-order Path does not match
205 admin_liste_labels_phrases /console/liste-labels-phrases Path does not match
206 admin_add_label_phrase /console/add-label-phrase Path does not match
207 admin_edit_label_phrase /console/edit-label-phrase/{id} Path does not match
208 admin_label_phrase_change_etat /console/label-phrase/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
209 admin_label_phrase_remove /console/label-phrase/remove Path does not match
210 edit_label_phrase_order /console/label-phrase/edit-order Path does not match
211 admin_liste_ref_prod /console/liste-ref-prod Path does not match
212 admin_edit_ref_prod /console/edit-ref-prod/{id} Path does not match
213 admin_liste_secteurs /console/liste-secteurs Path does not match
214 admin_add_secteurs /console/add-secteurs Path does not match
215 admin_edit_secteur /console/edit-secteur/{id} Path does not match
216 admin_secteur_change_etat /console/secteur/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
217 admin_secteur_remove /console/secteur/remove Path does not match
218 edit_secteur_order /console/secteur/edit-order Path does not match
219 admin_ref_texte /console/ref-texte Path does not match
220 admin_ref_texte_edit /console/ref-texte/edit/{id} Path does not match
221 connect_google /connect/google Path does not match
222 connect_google_check /connect/google/check Path does not match
223 admin_list_default_bloc /console/list-default-bloc Path does not match
224 admin_add_d_bloc /console/add-d-bloc Path does not match
225 admin_edit_d_bloc /console/edit-d-bloc/{id} Path does not match
226 admin_delete_default_bloc /console/delete-d-bloc Path does not match
227 admin_import_custom_data /console/import-custom-file Path does not match
228 admin_import_custom_data_edit /console/import-custom-file/{id} Path does not match
229 admin_import_custom_data_step1 /console/import-custom-file-step1 Path does not match
230 admin_import_custom_data_step2 /console/import-custom-file-step2 Path does not match
231 admin_import_custom_data_step3 /console/import-custom-file-step3 Path does not match
232 admin_import_data /console/import-data Path does not match
233 admin_import_data_temp /console/import-data-temp Path does not match
234 admin_import_data_media /console/import-media-file Path does not match
235 admin_import_file /console/import/file Path does not match
236 admin_language_list /console/language Path does not match
237 admin_language_add /console/language/add Path does not match
238 admin_language_edit /console/language/edit/{id} Path does not match
239 admin_remove_language /console/language/remove/ Path does not match
240 admin_language_change_etat /console/language/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
241 setlocale /setlocale/{language} Path does not match
242 setlocale_langauge /lang/{language} Path does not match
243 file_manager_index /manger/file Path does not match
244 file_manager_editor /file-manager-editor Path does not match
245 file_manager_rename_editor /editor/rename/{fileName} Path does not match
246 file_manager_delete_editor /editor/delete/ Path does not match
247 admin_media_add_ajax /console/ajax/media/add/{type} Path does not match
248 admin_media_list /console/liste/media Path does not match
249 admin_media_add /console/media/add/{type} Path does not match
250 admin_media_edit /console/media/edit/{id} Path does not match
251 admin_delete_media /console/delete/media/{id} Path does not match
252 ajax_upload /console/ajax-upload/ Path does not match
253 ajax_cropped /console/ajax-cropper/{id} Path does not match
254 admin_media_change_etat /console/media/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
255 admin_media_gallery /console/liste/media-galleries Path does not match
256 admin_media_gallerie_add /console/media-galleries/add Path does not match
257 admin_media_gallerie_edit /console/media-galleries/edit/{id} Path does not match
258 admin_media_gallerie_remove /console/media-galleries/remove/{id} Path does not match
259 admin_media_gallery_change_etat /console/media-galleries/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
260 media_gallerie_upload /console/media_gallerie_upload Path does not match
261 media_manager /console/media-file-manager/{location} Path does not match
262 media_manager_modal /console/media-manager-modal Path does not match
263 media_manager_multiple_modal /console/media-manager-multiple-modal Path does not match
264 media_manager_modal_upload /console/media-manager-modal/upload Path does not match
265 media_add_folder_modal /console/media-new-folder-modal Path does not match
266 media_upload /console/media_upload Path does not match
267 media_cms_edit /console/media-cms-edit/{id} Path does not match
268 media_add_folder /console/media-new-folder Path does not match
269 media_remove_folder /console/media-remove-folder Path does not match
270 media_image_crop /console/media/ajax-crop-image/{id} Path does not match
271 edit_media_order /console/media/edit-order Path does not match
272 media_remove_file /console/media-remove-file/{id} Path does not match
273 admin_menu_list /console/menu/list/{id} Path does not match
274 admin_menu_add /console/menu/add Path does not match
275 admin_menu_edit /console/menu/edit/{id} Path does not match
276 edit_position_menu /console/edit/position/menu Path does not match
277 show_menu /console/show/menu/{id} Path does not match
278 delete_menu /console/delete/menu/{id} Path does not match
279 admin_list_menu /console/liste-menu Path does not match
280 admin_menu_change_etat /console/menu/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
281 admin_list_menu_edit /console/list-menu/edit/{id} Path does not match
282 admin_list_menu_add /console/list-menu/add Path does not match
283 admin_list_menu_remove /console/list-menu/remove Path does not match
284 admin_metas_tags /console/metas-tags Path does not match
285 admin_metas_tags_add /console/metas-tags/add Path does not match
286 admin_meta_tags_edit /console/metas-tags/edit/{id} Path does not match
287 admin_meta_tags_remove /console/metas-tags/{id} Path does not match
288 admin_metas_cles /console/metas-cles Path does not match
289 admin_metas_cles_add /console/metas-cles/add Path does not match
290 admin_meta_cle_edit /console/metas-cles/edit/{id} Path does not match
291 admin_meta_cle_remove /console/metas-cles/remove Path does not match
292 admin_modele_galerie /console/modele-galeries Path does not match
293 admin_modele_galerie_create /console/modele-galerie/create Path does not match
294 admin_modele_galerie_edit /console/modele-galerie/edit-{id} Path does not match
295 admin_modele_galerie_remove /console/modele-galerie/remove Path does not match
296 admin_modele_galerie_choices /console/modele-galerie-choices/{id}/{id_module}/{module} Path does not match
297 admin_cookies_manager /console/cookies-manager Path does not match
298 admin_param_contact /console/param-contact Path does not match
299 admin_liste_param_publicite /console/param-publicite Path does not match
300 admin_liste_param_partenaires /console/parametre/partenaires Path does not match
301 admin_param_ref /console/param-ref/{type} Path does not match
302 generate_texte_ref /console/generate-texte-ref/{module} Path does not match
303 admin_param_site /console/param-site Path does not match
304 admin_param_site_meta /console/meta-tag Path does not match
305 admin_param_google_tag /console/google-tag Path does not match
306 admin_param_indexation_google /console/indexation-google Path does not match
307 admin_param_mail_smtp /console/mail-smtp Path does not match
308 admin_param_api_hrz /console/api-hrz Path does not match
309 admin_cle_auth /console/auth0 Path does not match
310 admin_param_oscar /console/param-oscar Path does not match
311 admin_widgets_social /console/widgets-social Path does not match
312 admin_partenaires_list /console/partenaires Path does not match
313 admin_partenaire_add /console/partenaire/add Path does not match
314 admin_partenaire_edit /console/partenaire/edit/{id} Path does not match
315 admin_remove_partenaire /console/partenaire/remove Path does not match
316 admin_partenaire_change_etat /console/partenaire/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
317 admin_edit_partenaire_order /console/edit-order-partenaire Path does not match
318 admin_liste_popup /console/popup Path does not match
319 admin_post_archive_list /console/post-archive-{id} Path does not match
320 admin_active_archive /console/active-archive-{id} Path does not match
321 admin_post_archive_remove /console/remove-post-archive-{id} Path does not match
322 admin_post_list /console/post/{type} Path does not match
323 admin_post_duplicate /console/post/duplicate/{id}-{type} Path does not match
324 admin_post_add /console/post/add/{type} Path does not match
325 admin_post_edit /console/post/edit/{id}/{type} Path does not match
326 admin_post_remove /console/post/remove/{id}/{type} Path does not match
327 admin_post_change_etat /console/post/change_etat/{id}/{type} Path does not match
328 admin_post_remove_all_ref /console/remove-post-ref Path does not match
329 admin_edit_bloc /console/edit-bloc/{id}/{type} Path does not match
330 admin_edit_post_order /console/edit-order-post Path does not match
331 admin_post_openai /console/post-openai-optimisation-titretexte Path does not match
332 admin_list_post_display /console/post-display Path does not match
333 admin_post_display_add /console/post-display/add Path does not match
334 admin_post_display_edit /console/post-display/edit/{id} Path does not match
335 admin_post_display_etat /console/post-display/change_etat/{id} Path does not match
336 admin_post_display_remove /console/post-display/remove Path does not match
337 admin_post_param /console/post-param/{IdPost} Path does not match
338 admin_param_post_meta /console/meta-tag-param-post/{id} Path does not match
339 admin_param_post_setting_meta /console/setting-meta-param-post/{id} Path does not match
340 admin_liste_produits /console/liste-produits Path does not match
341 admin_list_product_by_categorie /console/liste-product-categorie Path does not match
342 admin_produit_add /console/produits/add Path does not match
343 admin_produit_edit /console/produits/edit/{id} Path does not match
344 admin_produit_remove /console/produit/remove Path does not match
345 admin_edit_produit_order /console/produit/edit-order Path does not match
346 admin_list_option_product /console/list-option-product Path does not match
347 admin_option_product_add /console/option-product/add Path does not match
348 admin_option_product_edit /console/option-product/edit/{id} Path does not match
349 admin_option_product_remove /console/option-product/remove Path does not match
350 admin_list_prompts /console/prompts Path does not match
351 admin_create_prompt /console/new/prompt Path does not match
352 admin_edit_prompt /console/edit/prompt/{id} Path does not match
353 admin_prompt_remove /console/prompt/remove Path does not match
354 admin_list_url_redirection /console/liste/url-redirection Path does not match
355 admin_add_url_redirection /console/url-redirection/add Path does not match
356 admin_edit_url_redirection /console/url-redirection/edit/{id} Path does not match
357 admin_url_redirection_change_etat /console/url-redirection/{id} Path does not match
358 admin_url_redirection_delete /console/url-redirection/delete/ Path does not match
359 render_header_footer_static /console/render_header_footer_static Path does not match
360 admin_reseau_social_add /console/reseau-social/add Path does not match
361 admin_reseau_social_delete /console/reseau-social/delete/{id} Path does not match
362 admin_reseau_social_edit /console/reseau-social/edit/{id} Path does not match
363 app_login /console/login Path does not match
364 app_logout /console/logout Path does not match
365 app_connect_hrz /console/connect-hrz Path does not match
366 admin_seocomparatifposts /console/seo-comparatif-posts Path does not match
367 admin_seocomparatifposts_popover /console/seo-comparatif-posts-popover/{idpost} Path does not match
368 admin_seocomparatifposts_compare /console/seo-comparatif-posts-compare/{idpost} Path does not match
369 admin_site_list /console/site Path does not match
370 admin_site_add /console/site/add Path does not match
371 admin_site_edit /console/site/edit/{id} Path does not match
372 admin_site_remove /console/site/remove/{id}/ Path does not match
373 admin_site_change_etat /console/site/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
374 admin_testimonial_list /console/testimonial Path does not match
375 admin_testimonial_add /console/testimonial/add Path does not match
376 admin_testimonial_edit /console/testimonial/edit/{id} Path does not match
377 admin_remove_testimonial /console/testimonial/remove Path does not match
378 admin_testimonial_change_etat /console/testimonial/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
379 admin_list_text_configurable /console/text-configurable/ Path does not match
380 admin_text_configurable_add /console/text-configurable/add Path does not match
381 admin_text_configurable_edit /console/text-configurable/{id} Path does not match
382 admin_text_configurable_remove /console/text-configurable/remove/text Path does not match
383 theme_options /console/theme-options Path does not match
384 theme_options_archives /console/theme-options/archive-{id} Path does not match
385 liste_themes /console/liste-themes Path does not match
386 activer_theme /console/activer-theme-{{theme}} Path does not match
387 admin_dashbord_traducteur /console/dashbord-traducteur Path does not match
388 admin_import_traduction /console/import/traduction Path does not match
389 admin_export_traduction /console/export/traduction/{type} Path does not match
390 admin_list_post_type /console/post-type Path does not match
391 admin_post_type_add /console/post-type/add Path does not match
392 admin_post_type_edit /console/post-type/edit/{id} Path does not match
393 admin_edit_type_post_order /console/post-type/order/edit-order-post Path does not match
394 admin_post_type_remove /console/post-type/remove Path does not match
395 admin_user_list /console/users Path does not match
396 admin_user_add /console/user/add Path does not match
397 admin_user_edit /console/user/edit/{id} Path does not match
398 admin_remove_user /console/user/remove Path does not match
399 admin_user_change_etat /console/user/change_etat/{id}/ Path does not match
400 user_registration /console/register Path does not match
401 admin_user_edit_profil /console/user/edit-profile Path does not match
402 admin_historiques_connexion /console/user/historique-connexions Path does not match
403 admin_list_videos /console/videos Path does not match
404 admin_create_videos /console/videos/create Path does not match
405 admin_edit_video /console/video/edit/{id} Path does not match
406 admin_video_remove /console/video/remove Path does not match
407 admin_list_widget /console/widget Path does not match
408 admin_add_widget /console/widget/add Path does not match
409 admin_edit_widget /console/widget/edit/{id} Path does not match
410 admin_widget_remove /console/widget/remove Path does not match
411 admin_config_tinymce /console/config-tinymce Path does not match
412 espace_client_dashbord /espace-client/dashboard Path does not match
413 api_app_api_hrzapi_changecontentpage /api/change-content Path does not match
414 api_app_api_hrzapi_getinfosite /api/info-site Path does not match
415 api_app_api_hrzapi_contentupdate /api/update-content/{id} Path does not match
416 api_genid /api/.well-known/genid/{id} Path does not match
417 api_entrypoint /api/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
418 api_doc /api/docs.{_format} Path does not match
419 api_jsonld_context /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
420 qr_code_generate /qr-code/{builder}/{data} Path does not match
421 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
422 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
423 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
424 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
425 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
426 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
427 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
428 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
429 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
430 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
431 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
432 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
433 index_home /{_locale} Path almost matches, but Requirement for "_locale" does not match (fr|de|es|cn|en)
434 file_manager /manager/ Path does not match
435 file_manager_rename /manager/rename/{fileName} Path does not match
436 file_manager_upload /manager/upload/ Path does not match
437 file_manager_file /manager/file/{fileName} Path does not match
438 file_manager_delete /manager/delete/ Path does not match
439 liip_imagine_filter_runtime /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path} Path does not match
440 liip_imagine_filter /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path} Path does not match
441 PrestaSitemapBundle_index /sitemap/sitemap.{_format} Path does not match
442 PrestaSitemapBundle_section /sitemap/sitemap.{name}.{_format} Path does not match
443 page /{slug} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.